Other Services
Single Folio Account Statement
If you have registered an email address in your folio, you can obtain a PDF Account Statement at your registered email address.
Get Account StatementsGenerate Account Statement
Please enter the following details and generate your Account Statement:
- Select AMC name from dropdown list (Shriram Mutual Fund)
- Type your Folio Number, e.g., 108169 (optional)
- Write your registered Email ID (Mandatory)
- Type your PAN (optional)
- Select Delivery Option from dropdown list
- Type password of your own choice
- Re-enter the above password
- Press SUBMIT button and get Account Statement in your registered email address
For Single Folio Account Statement
Click here
Please send the filled-up form to the RTA Location
Click hereThe statement of holding of the beneficiary account holder for units held in demat will be sent by the respective DPs periodically.